Submit an Abstract

The society invites the submission of scientific abstracts, relating to clinical neurophysiology and related subjects in neurosciences from both members and non-members for oral presentation at our scientific meetings. All accepted abstracts are presented orally at our scientific meetings in a format which allows 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions from the audience. Subject to approval from the membership abstracts are then published on this website. You may submit an abstract with a specific meeting in mind but the programme for each meeting is decided by the council of the society and acceptance is not guaranteed. Please note that our traditional limit on the length of an abstract has been 300 words. On the website it is currently set at 400 words but this is open for discussion. Abstracts should have no more than 5 authors and 5 references.

If you are an existing BSCN member, please login in to pre-populate some of the form, allow for quick member (Author) search, and link the abstract to your account.

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Please use author/date format for references:
Surname, A. and Surname, B. (2013) 'Title of paper': Journal Name, 46(3), pp. 621-629.

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